St. Amant High School Band Booster Club
Constitution and By-Laws
(Revised February 13, 2020)
Article I - Title
This organization shall be known as the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club.
Article II – Objectives and Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to provide financial and other types of support to the St. Amant High School Band as requested by the directors. As always, the intent and purpose for financial and other types of support is to solely benefit the band program as a whole and having the student(s) best interest at all times.
Article III - Membership
Section I
Membership in the club shall be open to all persons interested in providing support to the St. Amant High School Band.
Section II
Annual membership shall run from September 1 to August 31. Annual membership dues shall be a $5 flat fee per family, payable at prep day or the first regular meeting of the school year. Exemptions may be made by the Executive Board.
Article IV - Meetings
Section I
All meetings are for the sole purpose of carrying out the objectives of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club as set for in Article II of these by-laws.
Section II
Regular Business Meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month and shall begin promptly at 7:00 PM and end at 8:30 PM unless extended by a majority vote. These meetings shall be conducted at the St. Amant High School Band Room unless another date, time and/or place is designated by the Executive Board. In the latter case, members shall be notified in advance of such a change. Special Business Meetings may be called at any time by the President. Members shall be notified of changes to meeting date, time, place or special meetings via {email, mass notification text (Remind 101), and social media} prior to the meeting.
Section III
In all meetings of the general membership, a total of ten (10) members including three (3) Executive Board Members and one (1) band Director shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section IV
The Executive Board shall meet one-half hour prior to the regularly scheduled monthly meetings for the purpose of creating an agenda. Any member wishing to place an item on the agenda must notify an Executive Board Member prior to the regular scheduled monthly meeting or may present such a request during the Executive Board Meeting that evening.
Section V
No member shall propose to discuss or question personnel or strategies employed by the band directors in carrying out their directing/job description as defined by the APSB.
Section VI
Meetings shall be conducted with the procedures set forth in these by-laws. If not covered in these by-laws, then "Robert's Rules of Order" - Revised Edition will govern.
Section VII
Minutes shall be recorded and distributed to the membership within 1 week of the business meeting, to allow the membership ample time to review its contents. Each meeting the previous minutes shall be approved or amended then approved by the membership present and filed with the secretary for official record.
Section VIII
The meeting agenda should use this outline as a guideline.
• Call to order
• Approve previous minutes
• Treasurers report
• Presidents report
• Directors report
• New business
• Questions comments concerns
• Close of meeting
Article V - Officers
Section I
The officers of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and 6 Members-At-Large. These elected officers shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section II
The duties of these officers shall be such as are ordinarily performed by similar officers of other organizations. The Vice-President shall also serve as Parliamentarian, as it is defined.
Section III
Any officer who misses three (3) consecutive Regular Business Meetings, will automatically be replaced by the Executive Board.
Section IV
Nominations for office for the following year shall be accepted beginning in the month of February until the beginning of the April meeting. Elections shall take place at the regularly scheduled April meeting. There shall be a transition period during the months of April and May and new officers shall officially assume their responsibilities on June 1st.
Article VI - Committees
Section I
The Executive Board may define, create, and organize as many special committees as are deemed advisable to affect the objectives and purposes of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club.
Section II
A committee member list will be established for concessions, homecoming and uniforms at the first booster meeting with committee chairperson and contact information provided to booster members.
Article VII - Amendments
Section I
Amendments to the By-Laws shall be by simple majority of the members present with the approval of the band directors.
Section II
Members shall receive written notification concerning proposed changes, additions, deletions to these By-Laws prior to the meeting during which such action is to be taken.
Section III
By-laws will be revisited every year at the first meeting of the board to ensure all members are aware and have the same understanding of the language used and changes made if necessary.
Article VIII - Finance
Section I
The Treasurer of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club or his designee shall present a financial statement at the initial meeting of the school year and at each meeting thereafter.
Section II
All checks, drafts and notes of the club shall be signed by the Treasurer of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club. Debit cards, if active on the account, will be held by the treasurer and an authorization form must be completed before each purchase and follow the intent of Article II. All receipts must be filed with the treasurer. Failure to provide a receipt from a valid purchase according to Article II intent will require personal reimbursement.
Section III
The President of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club may authorize expenditures of up to $250.00 without prior notification of, or consultation with, the band directors.
Section IV
The spending limitations for the President as outlined above shall not apply to necessary expenditures for the purpose of conducting fund raisers such as the Concession Stand.
Section V
The band directors shall be free to make needed expenditures OVER $250.00; provided school and/or School Board Funds are not available for that same purpose. The protocol for this shall be as follows: The Treasurer shall provide an Authorization Form to be signed by the Band Director, the President and the Treasurer PRIOR to the purchase of any item. The authorization form will describe the purchase and how it satisfies the intent of Article II. The valid receipt will then be reconciled with the authorization form and filed with the treasurer for record keeping for 5 years.
Section VI
Any retail items to be sold to students such as reeds, mouthpieces, drum sticks, etc., are exempt from the Purchasing Authorization Form requirements since all items will be paid for by the students prior to their receiving the item(s). The Band Directors have the discretion to issue credit or hardship allowances on a case-by-case basis. Receipts for these purchases using petty cash will be presented to the treasurer for reimbursement to petty cash fund.
Section VII
A petty cash fund will be established for discretionary spending under $250.00. This $250.00 will be exempt from the authorization form provided that the purchase is in good faith and benefits the band program as a whole and serves the purpose of the booster club defined in Article II. A financial log will be filled out and the corresponding receipt will be kept. Once all receipts are reconciled with appropriate spending purposes according to Article II, the petty cash will be replenished by the treasurer. Any unapproved purchases will not be replenished until petty cash fund is reimbursed by the purchaser(s).
Article IX - Scholarships
Section I
In order to further the cause of music and music education, the band director(s) may award up to two (2) one-time Carl Schexnayder Memorial Scholarships, presented by the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club, in the amount of $500.00 each to deserving students who plan to major in music or take instrumental music courses in college. In the event that there are more than two equally deserving students who apply, the directors, in consultation with the Executive Board will decide what must be done.
Section II
In order to be eligible to receive a Carl Schexnayder Memorial Scholarship, a student must meet certain criteria as determined by the band directors plus the following:
A. Said student must attend college within one (1) year of his/her high school graduation,
B. Said student must have successfully completed one (1) instrumental music course prior to receiving his/her scholarship,
C. Said student must have maintained an overall "C" average during the semester prior to receiving his/her scholarship. (Appeals for extension of the time limit may be considered by the Executive Board).
Section III
An application for shall be provided to all graduating senior band members by the band director(s) and all such band members shall be encouraged to apply.
Article X - Ownership
Section I
The St. Amant High School Band Booster Club is a non-profit organization, created solely for the objectives stated above. No officer or member, (past or present), shall, (at any time), have any claim against the club nor interest in any funds, equipment, or property that has been or may be acquired by the club.
Section II
Any funds, equipment, or property acquired by this organization for the band department shall become the property of the Ascension Parish School Board. In the event that the club should be dissolved or cease to function at any time, all accumulated funds, equipment, and property shall be turned over to St. Amant High School subject to the express condition that they be used for the purpose for which they were acquired.
Constitution and By-Laws
(Revised February 13, 2020)
Article I - Title
This organization shall be known as the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club.
Article II – Objectives and Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to provide financial and other types of support to the St. Amant High School Band as requested by the directors. As always, the intent and purpose for financial and other types of support is to solely benefit the band program as a whole and having the student(s) best interest at all times.
Article III - Membership
Section I
Membership in the club shall be open to all persons interested in providing support to the St. Amant High School Band.
Section II
Annual membership shall run from September 1 to August 31. Annual membership dues shall be a $5 flat fee per family, payable at prep day or the first regular meeting of the school year. Exemptions may be made by the Executive Board.
Article IV - Meetings
Section I
All meetings are for the sole purpose of carrying out the objectives of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club as set for in Article II of these by-laws.
Section II
Regular Business Meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month and shall begin promptly at 7:00 PM and end at 8:30 PM unless extended by a majority vote. These meetings shall be conducted at the St. Amant High School Band Room unless another date, time and/or place is designated by the Executive Board. In the latter case, members shall be notified in advance of such a change. Special Business Meetings may be called at any time by the President. Members shall be notified of changes to meeting date, time, place or special meetings via {email, mass notification text (Remind 101), and social media} prior to the meeting.
Section III
In all meetings of the general membership, a total of ten (10) members including three (3) Executive Board Members and one (1) band Director shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section IV
The Executive Board shall meet one-half hour prior to the regularly scheduled monthly meetings for the purpose of creating an agenda. Any member wishing to place an item on the agenda must notify an Executive Board Member prior to the regular scheduled monthly meeting or may present such a request during the Executive Board Meeting that evening.
Section V
No member shall propose to discuss or question personnel or strategies employed by the band directors in carrying out their directing/job description as defined by the APSB.
Section VI
Meetings shall be conducted with the procedures set forth in these by-laws. If not covered in these by-laws, then "Robert's Rules of Order" - Revised Edition will govern.
Section VII
Minutes shall be recorded and distributed to the membership within 1 week of the business meeting, to allow the membership ample time to review its contents. Each meeting the previous minutes shall be approved or amended then approved by the membership present and filed with the secretary for official record.
Section VIII
The meeting agenda should use this outline as a guideline.
• Call to order
• Approve previous minutes
• Treasurers report
• Presidents report
• Directors report
• New business
• Questions comments concerns
• Close of meeting
Article V - Officers
Section I
The officers of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and 6 Members-At-Large. These elected officers shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section II
The duties of these officers shall be such as are ordinarily performed by similar officers of other organizations. The Vice-President shall also serve as Parliamentarian, as it is defined.
Section III
Any officer who misses three (3) consecutive Regular Business Meetings, will automatically be replaced by the Executive Board.
Section IV
Nominations for office for the following year shall be accepted beginning in the month of February until the beginning of the April meeting. Elections shall take place at the regularly scheduled April meeting. There shall be a transition period during the months of April and May and new officers shall officially assume their responsibilities on June 1st.
Article VI - Committees
Section I
The Executive Board may define, create, and organize as many special committees as are deemed advisable to affect the objectives and purposes of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club.
Section II
A committee member list will be established for concessions, homecoming and uniforms at the first booster meeting with committee chairperson and contact information provided to booster members.
Article VII - Amendments
Section I
Amendments to the By-Laws shall be by simple majority of the members present with the approval of the band directors.
Section II
Members shall receive written notification concerning proposed changes, additions, deletions to these By-Laws prior to the meeting during which such action is to be taken.
Section III
By-laws will be revisited every year at the first meeting of the board to ensure all members are aware and have the same understanding of the language used and changes made if necessary.
Article VIII - Finance
Section I
The Treasurer of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club or his designee shall present a financial statement at the initial meeting of the school year and at each meeting thereafter.
Section II
All checks, drafts and notes of the club shall be signed by the Treasurer of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club. Debit cards, if active on the account, will be held by the treasurer and an authorization form must be completed before each purchase and follow the intent of Article II. All receipts must be filed with the treasurer. Failure to provide a receipt from a valid purchase according to Article II intent will require personal reimbursement.
Section III
The President of the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club may authorize expenditures of up to $250.00 without prior notification of, or consultation with, the band directors.
Section IV
The spending limitations for the President as outlined above shall not apply to necessary expenditures for the purpose of conducting fund raisers such as the Concession Stand.
Section V
The band directors shall be free to make needed expenditures OVER $250.00; provided school and/or School Board Funds are not available for that same purpose. The protocol for this shall be as follows: The Treasurer shall provide an Authorization Form to be signed by the Band Director, the President and the Treasurer PRIOR to the purchase of any item. The authorization form will describe the purchase and how it satisfies the intent of Article II. The valid receipt will then be reconciled with the authorization form and filed with the treasurer for record keeping for 5 years.
Section VI
Any retail items to be sold to students such as reeds, mouthpieces, drum sticks, etc., are exempt from the Purchasing Authorization Form requirements since all items will be paid for by the students prior to their receiving the item(s). The Band Directors have the discretion to issue credit or hardship allowances on a case-by-case basis. Receipts for these purchases using petty cash will be presented to the treasurer for reimbursement to petty cash fund.
Section VII
A petty cash fund will be established for discretionary spending under $250.00. This $250.00 will be exempt from the authorization form provided that the purchase is in good faith and benefits the band program as a whole and serves the purpose of the booster club defined in Article II. A financial log will be filled out and the corresponding receipt will be kept. Once all receipts are reconciled with appropriate spending purposes according to Article II, the petty cash will be replenished by the treasurer. Any unapproved purchases will not be replenished until petty cash fund is reimbursed by the purchaser(s).
Article IX - Scholarships
Section I
In order to further the cause of music and music education, the band director(s) may award up to two (2) one-time Carl Schexnayder Memorial Scholarships, presented by the St. Amant High School Band Booster Club, in the amount of $500.00 each to deserving students who plan to major in music or take instrumental music courses in college. In the event that there are more than two equally deserving students who apply, the directors, in consultation with the Executive Board will decide what must be done.
Section II
In order to be eligible to receive a Carl Schexnayder Memorial Scholarship, a student must meet certain criteria as determined by the band directors plus the following:
A. Said student must attend college within one (1) year of his/her high school graduation,
B. Said student must have successfully completed one (1) instrumental music course prior to receiving his/her scholarship,
C. Said student must have maintained an overall "C" average during the semester prior to receiving his/her scholarship. (Appeals for extension of the time limit may be considered by the Executive Board).
Section III
An application for shall be provided to all graduating senior band members by the band director(s) and all such band members shall be encouraged to apply.
Article X - Ownership
Section I
The St. Amant High School Band Booster Club is a non-profit organization, created solely for the objectives stated above. No officer or member, (past or present), shall, (at any time), have any claim against the club nor interest in any funds, equipment, or property that has been or may be acquired by the club.
Section II
Any funds, equipment, or property acquired by this organization for the band department shall become the property of the Ascension Parish School Board. In the event that the club should be dissolved or cease to function at any time, all accumulated funds, equipment, and property shall be turned over to St. Amant High School subject to the express condition that they be used for the purpose for which they were acquired.